Manufacturer Recruiting Roadmap
Recruiting and retaining qualified workers may never have been more difficult than it is today. The combination of factors contributing to this challenge include the following:
- More senior personnel aging out into retirement;
- Fewer qualified replacements due to inadequate STEM educations;
- Greater need for tech-savvy personnel as Industry 4.0 digitalization advances;
- Lingering perceptions of manufacturing as low-tech, low-pay and less attractive than white collar jobs; and
- Inadequate outreach to non-traditional but trainable recruitment pools.
More creative approaches are clearly required – and there are government programs available to help fund them.
The Manufacturer Recruiting Roadmap
This tax-advantaged recruitment strategy leverages generous tax incentives to help manufacturers resolve today’s recruitment challenges and accelerate their growth and profitability.
It equips your CPA or Accountant with the resources needed to execute it.
Gain instant access to it by clicking the button below – no name or email address required.
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