Peak Profits Advisors 3-Step business consulting process

Has Your Business Growth Stalled?

Boost Profits without More Sales

Has your business growth stalled or is it just plain under-performing?

Are your profits lackluster or even non-existent?

Has your business turned into a J-O-B?

These are why Peak Profits Advisors exists – to help jolt your business back to life, revive its growth, and resume the kind of profitability you once enjoyed.

And the good news is it won’t cost you a dime unless we save you money. No savings, no fee.

Then – if you’re satisfied with our initial cost recovery efforts – we can carry out more extensive cost saving and revenue generating services for your business (see Our 3-Step Peak Profits Process below for details).

None of what we do is rocket science, but it requires a discipline and objectivity that makes it seldom addressed outside the large companies that can afford six-figure consultants. And even they often end up with only five-figure results.

Our 3-Step Process

Here’s how our team at Growth Management Group (GMG) can help to revitalize and grow your business. Each phase can be separately and sequentially pursued to assure complete satisfaction with the quality, transparency, and results of our work.

Phase 1 – Tax Savings &  Recoveries

GMG’s systematic analysis of your business costs starts with an intensive cost recovery program that captures overpaid property and income taxes, tax credits, and stimulus subsidies that reposition your company with fatter margins and stronger cash flow.  In over 15 years in operation and $4 billion in client savings, GMG has never had a dollar in tax savings claims for its clients denied by the IRS.

Phase 2 – Operational Savings

Phase 2 moves from finance to operations with select vendor audits for high-volume transactions like credit card processing fees and workers comp premiums that are often inflated due to errors, misclassifications, etc. Audits are performed by specialists in these areas with decades of experience identifying  and capturing recurring savings without cutting staff or changing vendors.

Phase 3 – Retirement and Exit Planning

Whatever your near-term plans for your business, you’ll eventually want to exit the company on favorable terms that include a healthy retirement plan for business owners and select senior management. Our proprietary plan provides many of the front-end and withdrawal tax advantages of qualified retirement plans without their eligibility constraints and affords more highly leveraged returns to fuel faster and greater retirement savings.

Start with the Low-Hanging Fruit

 You can get started with a free and no-obligation estimate of your initial tax credit opportunities from your ongoing hiring and current employee activities

To get your Free & No-Obligation
Tax Savings Estimate, click here.

Specialized tax services generate business capital